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eLearning Industry
1 month ago

Massachusetts Mayflower Academy Accepting Applications For New School Year

Massachusetts Mayflower Academy offers diverse online courses for high school students, including new subjects like Artificial Intelligence and Music Production. [ more ]
The Mercury News
3 months ago

Los Gatos High students experience a day in the life of working professionals

Students learned job skills through shadowing professionals at local businesses.
Participants gained insights into various aspects of running a business, like finances and communication. [ more ]
4 months ago

How an AP African American studies class helps Brooklyn students engage with history

The introduction of AP African American Studies in high schools is positively impacting students' interest in history.
The expansion of the course has faced some controversy in certain states, but educators continue to emphasize its importance. [ more ]
1 week ago

For English learners, it's past time to phase out Regents requirements

Elimination of mandatory Regents exams in New York might benefit English Language Learners through project-based evaluation. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago

New York is about to make its high-school diplomas worse than useless

New York high school students will no longer need to pass five Regent exams to graduate under the State Education Department's new plan. [ more ]
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