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Austin Monitor
1 month ago

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 5.2.24 - Austin Monitor

One main point is the probable approval of drought contingency and water conservation plans by the Council to comply with a deadline, followed by ongoing discussions and updates. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 month ago
Women in technology

Greater London women lose 7.5 working days yearly

Women in Greater London are missing an average of 7.5 work days per year due to health issues.
47% of women in Greater London have heard derogatory comments about female employees' health in the workplace. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

More than half of England's army veterans have health problems report

Over 55% of England's army veterans have faced health issues post-civilian life, with 80% experiencing worsening conditions, prompting a need for better support services.
Veterans often avoid seeking help due to fear of misunderstanding by civilian health professionals, highlighting the importance of initiatives like the Veteran Friendly Accreditation scheme for GP practices. [ more ]
2 months ago

On Call with Dr. Kumar: How mental health is impacting maternal mortality

Poor mental health may contribute to rising maternal mortality rates.
Awareness, support, and access to medical and psychiatric care are crucial in addressing maternal mental health issues. [ more ]
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