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2 months ago
Privacy professionals

US cancer center data breach exposes info of 827,000 patients

Over 820,000 patients' sensitive information exposed in City of Hope data breach.
City of Hope implementing measures post-breach to prevent future incidents and offering identity monitoring for affected patients. [ more ]
5 days ago
Privacy professionals

What does the London NHS hospitals data theft mean for patients?

A Russian gang stole sensitive NHS patient data, including blood test results through a cyberattack on Synnovis. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

US cancer center data breach exposes info of 827,000 patients

Over 820,000 patients' sensitive information exposed in City of Hope data breach.
City of Hope implementing measures post-breach to prevent future incidents and offering identity monitoring for affected patients. [ more ]
5 days ago
Privacy professionals

What does the London NHS hospitals data theft mean for patients?

A Russian gang stole sensitive NHS patient data, including blood test results through a cyberattack on Synnovis. [ more ]
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