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Mail Online
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists discover new planet that could support human life

Gliese 12 b, an Earth-like exoplanet, could host human life if proven to have an Earth-like atmosphere and temperature for water formation. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers detect waterworld with a boiling ocean' in deep space

Astronomers observed an exoplanet with potential deep water ocean, advancing habitable conditions search.
James Webb telescope showcased insights into distant planet's atmosphere and chemical signatures unraveling habitability possibilities. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
OMG science

NASA discovers potential habitable 'super-Earth' 137 light-years away

NASA has discovered a potentially habitable super-Earth that is 137 light-years away.
The planet, TOI-715 b, is one and a half times bigger than Earth and orbits its star in just 19 days. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists discover new planet that could support human life

Gliese 12 b, an Earth-like exoplanet, could host human life if proven to have an Earth-like atmosphere and temperature for water formation. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers detect waterworld with a boiling ocean' in deep space

Astronomers observed an exoplanet with potential deep water ocean, advancing habitable conditions search.
James Webb telescope showcased insights into distant planet's atmosphere and chemical signatures unraveling habitability possibilities. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
OMG science

NASA discovers potential habitable 'super-Earth' 137 light-years away

NASA has discovered a potentially habitable super-Earth that is 137 light-years away.
The planet, TOI-715 b, is one and a half times bigger than Earth and orbits its star in just 19 days. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Setback for hopes of life as Nasa says less oxygen on Jupiter moon than thought

Less oxygen on Europa's surface than previously thought
Microbes could survive in Europa's underground ocean without much oxygen [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
OMG science

Hopes of finding life on Jupiter's moon Europa are DASHED

Europa's limited oxygen may impact habitability for life
Presence of subsurface ocean on Europa raises possibility of sustaining lifeforms [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

An Ocean Moon Thought to Be Habitable May Be Oxygen-Starved

Europa's icy surface could be a potential source of oxygen for its ocean.
Oxygen on Europa may play a role in creating a chemical environment for potential life forms. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Setback for hopes of life as Nasa says less oxygen on Jupiter moon than thought

Less oxygen on Europa's surface than previously thought
Microbes could survive in Europa's underground ocean without much oxygen [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
OMG science

Hopes of finding life on Jupiter's moon Europa are DASHED

Europa's limited oxygen may impact habitability for life
Presence of subsurface ocean on Europa raises possibility of sustaining lifeforms [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

An Ocean Moon Thought to Be Habitable May Be Oxygen-Starved

Europa's icy surface could be a potential source of oxygen for its ocean.
Oxygen on Europa may play a role in creating a chemical environment for potential life forms. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

This Hellish Version of Earth Has Lava Oceans

HD 63433d is a lava-Earth close to its star, potentially offering insights into habitability of rocky planets.
The planet is tidally locked like the Moon, has extreme temperatures, and may lack a thick atmosphere. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Saturn's moon Mimas may have vast, hidden ocean

Saturn's moon Mimas may have a vast ocean under its icy surface.
The discovery suggests that the conditions for oceans to exist may be more varied than previously thought. [ more ]
Ars Technica
5 months ago
OMG science

No, the James Webb Space Telescope hasn't found life out there-at least not yet

Rumors suggest that the James Webb Space Telescope has found a planet with strong evidence of life.
NASA has clarified that while the telescope has not found definitive evidence of life, it may identify potential biosignatures that could indicate habitability. [ more ]
Ars Technica
5 months ago
OMG science

Seeking another Earth? Look for low carbon dioxide

The absence of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet's atmosphere may increase the chances of liquid water on its surface, suggesting potential habitability.
The presence of ozone and absence of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet's atmosphere could indicate a habitable and potentially inhabited planet. [ more ]
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