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Bronx Times
1 week ago
New York City

EXCLUSIVE: AOC rallies supporters in the South Bronx ahead of June primary - Bronx Times

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) rallied supporters at Bronx Brewery, showcasing her grassroots origins and inspiring community impact. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Uncommitted Campaign Is Sending at Least 25 Delegates to the DNC So Far

Biden has secured enough delegates for the Democratic nomination
Grassroots 'uncommitted' campaign has earned delegates due to discontent with Biden's Israel policy [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wins the New Hampshire primary after Democrats write him on the ballot

President Biden won the New Hampshire Democratic primary, even though he wasn't on the printed ballot.
New Hampshire held its primary despite the Democratic National Committee choosing South Carolina as the first primary of the year. [ more ]
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