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1 month ago
OMG science

Earth Day | Mayank Kalra, Hampton School

Earth Day is a global call to action for environmental stewardship and biodiversity conservation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

Latinos are growing frustrated and angry about migrants and the border. Here's why

Xochilt Nuñez, an immigrant advocating for farmworker and immigrant rights, feels overlooked compared to new arrivals.
Nuñez expresses mixed feelings of anger, frustration, and jealousy towards new migrants who she believes are living off the system. [ more ]
High Country News
1 month ago

Conozca a las mujeres que luchan por acabar con las detenciones y las deportaciones en el estado de Washington - High Country News

ICE detention center in Tacoma with a history of human rights abuses
La Resistencia Northwest's advocacy to improve conditions for detainees [ more ]
6 months ago
France politics

Forty years on, can legacy of pioneering anti-racism march help a divided France?

France marks the 40th anniversary of its first nationwide anti-racism march, which was a key moment in the history of French race relations and grassroots citizen activism.
Academics and historians are calling for this important event to be better commemorated, taught in schools, and written into the national narrative to prevent it from being overshadowed by current divisive politics. [ more ]
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