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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 months ago

Boston University graduate student workers strike

Boston University grad student workers demand better pay and benefits
Higher education worker strikes surged in 2022-2023 [ more ]
2 months ago

Boston University graduate workers plan to strike starting Monday

Graduate workers at Boston University to begin strike after failed negotiations
Union fighting for better pay, healthcare, and benefits for workers [ more ]
3 months ago

Boston University graduate students overwhelmingly vote to authorize strike

Graduate workers at Boston University vote to authorize a strike due to failed negotiations.
Demands include increased wages, dental insurance, and workload protections. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 months ago

Boston University graduate student workers strike

Boston University grad student workers demand better pay and benefits
Higher education worker strikes surged in 2022-2023 [ more ]
2 months ago

Boston University graduate workers plan to strike starting Monday

Graduate workers at Boston University to begin strike after failed negotiations
Union fighting for better pay, healthcare, and benefits for workers [ more ]
3 months ago

Boston University graduate students overwhelmingly vote to authorize strike

Graduate workers at Boston University vote to authorize a strike due to failed negotiations.
Demands include increased wages, dental insurance, and workload protections. [ more ]
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