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Ars Technica
3 months ago
Information security

Critical US water systems face "disabling cyberattacks," White House warns

Water utilities facing disabling cyberattacks by foreign nations
Specific incidents of cyberattacks on water facilities [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

FBI and CISA warn of national security threat posed by Chinese drones

Chinese-made drones pose a significant risk to U.S. critical infrastructure
Chinese law gives the government expanded legal grounds for accessing data held by Chinese companies through the drones [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
Information security

Critical US water systems face "disabling cyberattacks," White House warns

Water utilities facing disabling cyberattacks by foreign nations
Specific incidents of cyberattacks on water facilities [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

FBI and CISA warn of national security threat posed by Chinese drones

Chinese-made drones pose a significant risk to U.S. critical infrastructure
Chinese law gives the government expanded legal grounds for accessing data held by Chinese companies through the drones [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Live: French farmers continue to besiege' Paris by blocking roads for fourth day

Farmers protesting in France have blocked the A4 highway near Paris for four days.
Dozens of farmers were arrested at a food market near Paris as tensions continue to escalate. [ more ]
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