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2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Feds investigates massive data dump allegedly

The US Department of State is investigating a cyber incident involving stolen classified information.
IntelBroker claims to have leaked treasure trove of confidential data, including government and military officials' contact info. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Microsoft rolls out expanded logging six months after Chinese breach

Expensive logging option at State Department detected Chinese hacking operation.
Microsoft to make expanded logs available to all federal agencies, increasing retention period. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Feds investigates massive data dump allegedly

The US Department of State is investigating a cyber incident involving stolen classified information.
IntelBroker claims to have leaked treasure trove of confidential data, including government and military officials' contact info. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Microsoft rolls out expanded logging six months after Chinese breach

Expensive logging option at State Department detected Chinese hacking operation.
Microsoft to make expanded logs available to all federal agencies, increasing retention period. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

US House of Reps tells staff: No Microsoft Copilot for you

US House Of Representatives staff barred from using Microsoft's Copilot AI due to security risks.
Fears over data privacy at the government level lead to the concept of sovereign AI. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Why plugging leaks sometimes means protecting leakers

Cybersecurity breaches are prevalent due to social engineering, targeting individuals with valuable information.
The need for amnesty laws to encourage self-reporting of cyber/counterintelligence intrusions among military and government personnel. [ more ]
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