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1 month ago

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators block roads to Chicago airport and Golden Gate Bridge in U.S. protests

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators protested in various US locations, causing travel disruptions, aiming for a global 'economic blockade to free Palestine'. [ more ]
2 months ago
Food & drink

Millions go hungry as a billion meals binned every day, says UN report

Over a billion meals are discarded daily, while 730 million people suffer from hunger globally.
Households contribute to 60% of annual food waste, with commercial food systems adding to the issue. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
4 months ago

The Global North Needs to Stop Distancing Itself from Climate Migration - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Climate migration is a misunderstood phenomenon with no proper definition of who a climate migrant is.
Climate migration is a global issue that is influenced by sociopolitical and economic dynamics. [ more ]
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