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5 months ago
France politics

Macron joins Germany in goodbye for 'Europe's pillar' Schaeuble

Wolfgang Schaeuble played a key role in German reunification and was Germany's longest-serving MP.
Schaeuble's insistence on public spending cuts in Greece led to revilement by Greeks but was defended by Angela Merkel. [ more ]
The Point Magazine
7 months ago

On the Wrong Side | The Point Magazine

Jenny Erpenbeck's most recent novel, Kairos, centers on the experiences of those who found themselves on the 'wrong side' during German reunification.
Erpenbeck's earlier work hovers between historical specificity and decontextualization.
Her first novella, The Story of The Old Child, takes place in East Germany and confronts the collective trauma of the firebombing of Dresden. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Germany news

Western German domination extends to Euros DW 06/06/2024

The football divide in Germany still lingers post-reunification, with disparities in hosting major sporting events between the former East and West Germany. [ more ]
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