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3 months ago
Germany news

German Bundestag approves controversial diesel subsidy cuts DW 02/02/2024

The German Bundestag has approved the rolling back of tax relief for diesel use by the agricultural industry, leading to protests from farmers.
The budget financing law also includes higher air traffic taxes and new rules on financial support for families. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Germany's AfD could lose funds for anti-democratic behavior DW 01/22/2024

The right-wing extremist AfD party in Germany is experiencing record highs in opinion polls.
The German Bundestag is debating how to handle the AfD, with some calling for a ban on the party. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Germany's far-right AfD could face legal challenges DW 01/22/2024

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is currently experiencing high levels of support in opinion polls, despite being classified as right-wing extremist.
The German Bundestag is debating how to address the AfD, with a motion submitted by the governing parliamentary factions focusing on defending democracy against the party. [ more ]
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