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1 month ago
Data science

The sex of organ geometry - Nature

Internal organ spatial arrangement is complex and less understood than individual organ development. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Evolution of a novel adrenal cell type that promotes parental care - Nature

The emergence of a novel cell type in the adrenal gland of oldfield mice contributes to the evolution of monogamous-typical parental behaviors. [ more ]
News Center
4 months ago

Engineered Heart Cells May Improve Understanding of Atrial Fibrillation - News Center

Atrial fibrillation is a prevalent cardiac arrhythmia with potential severe consequences.
Response to atrial fibrillation treatment varies due to a lack of understanding of genetic mechanisms. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Bowel disease breakthrough as researchers make holy grail' discovery

Researchers found a key pathway to immune disorders, offering hope for treatment using existing drugs. [ more ]
News Center
3 weeks ago

Genetic Mechanisms May Reveal Retinal Vascular Disease Therapeutic Targets - News Center

Novel genetic mechanisms identified to regulate retinal blood vessel growth may offer therapeutic targets for retinal vascular disease. [ more ]
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