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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Benny Johnson's claim that Joe Biden set up Donald Trump with classified documents is false - Poynter

The Biden administration did not frame former President Donald Trump by shipping boxes of classified documents to his home, a false claim spread by conservative podcaster Benny Johnson. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

TMF looks to fund AI projects

The Technology Modernization Fund is offering funding for AI projects in government agencies.
The General Services Administration is calling for proposals to implement the Biden administration's AI executive order. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

GSA used 'egregiously flawed' data to clear purchase of Chinese-made cameras, watchdog says

The General Services Administration (GSA) used flawed market research in purchasing Chinese-made video conferencing cameras that did not comply with U.S. trade standards.
The cameras have known security flaws that can be exploited to access camera owners' networks. [ more ]
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