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1 month ago
OMG science

A Warp Drive Breakthrough Inches a Tiny Bit Closer to 'Star Trek'

The discovery of a possible physical warp drive adhering to known physics principles but without exceeding the speed of light is a significant advancement. [ more ]
1 month ago

Visualization of flying into a black hole

NASA visualized flight into a supermassive black hole using a simulation on a supercomputer. [ more ]
3 months ago

Do black holes explode? The 50-year-old puzzle that challenges quantum physics

Hawking radiation challenges black hole theory
Interplay of quantum physics and general relativity [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers Puzzled by Inexplicable Deep Space Object

Astronomers have discovered an object that falls into a 'black hole mass gap,' too heavy to be a neutron star but too light to be a black hole.
This discovery challenges current theories about the formation and classification of celestial objects, and could lead to a reevaluation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. [ more ]
3 months ago

Do black holes explode? The 50-year-old puzzle that challenges quantum physics

Hawking radiation challenges black hole theory
Interplay of quantum physics and general relativity [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers Puzzled by Inexplicable Deep Space Object

Astronomers have discovered an object that falls into a 'black hole mass gap,' too heavy to be a neutron star but too light to be a black hole.
This discovery challenges current theories about the formation and classification of celestial objects, and could lead to a reevaluation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

We're trying to find the shape of space': scientists wonder if the universe is like a doughnut

Discovering the shape of the universe is a complex challenge with various possibilities for its topology. [ more ]
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