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1 day ago

Las mujeres de Mexico estan alzando la voz. Las escuchara una mujer presidenta?

El avance de las mujeres en la política mexicana es significativo pero aún falta un enfoque más profundo en sus derechos y necesidades. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 weeks ago

David Tennant slams anti-trans bigots: 'F**k off and let people be'

David Tennant passionately supports LGBTQ+ rights and urges those with anti-trans views to 'f**k off and let people be.' [ more ]
2 months ago

Why Afghan women are leaving Afghanistan

Afghan women face challenges in accessing fundamental rights
Women demonstrating resilience despite adversity [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

The Debate - Set in stone? France enshrines abortion rights in constitution

France enshrines abortion rights in constitution following US changes
Debate on necessity of constitutional amendment in light of conservative shift and cultural differences [ more ]
3 months ago

Anti-Trans Law Draws Scrutiny After 16-Year-Old's Death in Oklahoma

Gender identity-based violence is a serious issue
Investigation ongoing regarding the incident at the high school [ more ]
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