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Slate Magazine
4 months ago

Skip the Memes, Joe. Here's How a Presidential TikTok Account Should Look.

President Joe Biden joined TikTok to reach young voters despite the previous threat to ban the platform.
The TikTok account @bidenhq uses humor and memes to engage with Gen Z voters. [ more ]
The American Conservative
5 months ago
US Elections

Donald Trump, Youth Icon?

Gen Z voters have shown a growing support for Trump, with him leading among young voters in a national survey.
The Washington D.C. Young Republicans hosted a watch party for Trump's victory in the Iowa Caucus, with attendees expressing their dedication to reelecting him. [ more ]
New York Post
2 days ago
Left-wing politics

As an independent voter and Gen-Z woman, here's what I want to hear from Donald Trump

Trump can earn Gen Z support by focusing on the economy, toning down divisiveness, and addressing student debt and education reforms. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is hiring a meme manager. But viral success might not be as easy as he hopes.

Political campaigns are adapting to engage young voters through meme pages and internet trends, recognizing a shift in traditional campaigning strategies. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is hiring a meme manager. But viral success might not be as easy as he hopes.

Campaigns are adapting by incorporating meme pages and internet trends to reach young voters effectively. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is hiring a meme manager. But viral success might not be as easy as he hopes.

Political campaigns are adapting to engage young voters through meme pages and internet trends, recognizing a shift in traditional campaigning strategies. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is hiring a meme manager. But viral success might not be as easy as he hopes.

Campaigns are adapting by incorporating meme pages and internet trends to reach young voters effectively. [ more ]
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