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4 months ago

Scientists discover why sugar-free foods make us pass gas

Consuming sugar-free products like gum can cause gas and bloating due to the presence of sorbitol.
A medication used to treat ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease may help alleviate the symptoms of gas and bloating. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers Puzzled by Galaxy With No Stars

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy with plenty of gas but no visible stars.
The discovery challenges our understanding of how stars and galaxies are formed. [ more ]
7 months ago

This Stunning, High-Resolution Image Reveals The Bizarre Aging Process of Stars

Astronomers at ALMA captured one of the highest-resolution images of a star other than the Sun, showing the red supergiant R Leporis and its halo of gas.
R Leporis appears intensely red due to carbon soot in its outer layers, absorbing blue light and allowing red light to filter through.
The new ALMA image shows R Leporis slowly letting go of its outermost layers, with gas escaping to the surrounding space. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Astronomers Puzzled by Galaxy With No Stars

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy with plenty of gas but no visible stars.
The discovery challenges our understanding of how stars and galaxies are formed. [ more ]
7 months ago

This Stunning, High-Resolution Image Reveals The Bizarre Aging Process of Stars

Astronomers at ALMA captured one of the highest-resolution images of a star other than the Sun, showing the red supergiant R Leporis and its halo of gas.
R Leporis appears intensely red due to carbon soot in its outer layers, absorbing blue light and allowing red light to filter through.
The new ALMA image shows R Leporis slowly letting go of its outermost layers, with gas escaping to the surrounding space. [ more ]
6 months ago

Your Guide to the COP28 Climate Meeting in Dubai

The United Nations climate talks in Dubai aim to get nearly 200 countries to agree on actions to limit the worst impacts of global warming.
Countries are backing a push to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency.
A coalition led by the European Union and Pacific island nations wants a global agreement to eventually end production and use of coal, oil, and gas. [ more ]
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