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Irish Independent
1 week ago

Man (80s) dies after car enters water at Buncrana Pier in Co Donegal

Gardaí in Buncrana are appealing for witnesses to a fatal road traffic collision at Buncrana Pier. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 weeks ago

Court date set for 'unregistered' motorist posing as taxi driver in Dublin

Gardaí discovered unregistered and disqualified drivers during routine checks on the roads. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago

Mandatory sentences needed for people who attack gardai, Simon Coveney says in wake of Wicklow unrest

Attacks on Gardaí are attacks on the State; clear consequences needed for such actions. [ more ]
5 months ago
Social media marketing

X denies Helen McEntee claim social media company did not engage with gardai during Dublin riots

Social media companies have taken proactive action on over 1,230 pieces of content related to the riots.
The gardaí made a formal request to social media platforms regarding the enforcement of their rules for a single post. [ more ]
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