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3 months ago
Startup companies

Stay up-to-date on the amount of venture dollars going to underrepresented founders | TechCrunch

Black founders' funding has declined since 2021, showing broken promises in better support post-George Floyd's murder.
Women founders consistently receive around 2% funding, but mixed-gender teams are getting increased funding. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

How the Next Generation of Mobility Justice Leaders Are Fighting For Transportation Equity - Streetsblog USA

Transportation equity involves equal accessibility to transportation regardless of background.
Mobility justice includes funding sidewalks, transit, and bike lanes on par with highways. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
3 months ago

Andrew: The troubling inequity of education funding - San Jose Spotlight

Funding disparities perpetuate educational inequality
Equal access to resources is crucial for all students [ more ]
4 months ago

It's critical to protect equity investments in minority businesses from activist organizations | TechCrunch

Investment firms and funding organizations are facing lawsuits over financially supporting BIPOC entrepreneurs.
Only 1.1% of venture capital funding in 2022 went to companies with minority founders. [ more ]
2 hours ago
European startups

Queer Entrepreneurs Outperform, Yet Equitable Support Still Sorely Lacking in Canada

Canada needs to address and equalize the opportunities for queer founders in the entrepreneurial support ecosystem. [ more ]
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