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1 month ago

Judith Godreche Breaks Open France's Moi Aussi Movement at Cannes

The French film industry is experiencing a significant moment with the emergence of the Moi Aussi movement, paralleling the Me Too movement in America. [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

French actor Godreche condemns 'incestuous' film industry in landmark Senate hearing

Judith Godreche calls for a commission of inquiry into sexual violence in the French film industry.
She received 4,500 testimonies from victims and demanded removal of Dominique Boutonnat from his position. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

Actor Gerard Depardieu faces another sexual assault complaint as #MeToo echoes through French cinema

Depardieu facing new sexual assault complaint
Call for addressing sexual violence in French film industry [ more ]
1 month ago

Judith Godreche Breaks Open France's Moi Aussi Movement at Cannes

The French film industry is experiencing a significant moment with the emergence of the Moi Aussi movement, paralleling the Me Too movement in America. [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

French actor Godreche condemns 'incestuous' film industry in landmark Senate hearing

Judith Godreche calls for a commission of inquiry into sexual violence in the French film industry.
She received 4,500 testimonies from victims and demanded removal of Dominique Boutonnat from his position. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

Actor Gerard Depardieu faces another sexual assault complaint as #MeToo echoes through French cinema

Depardieu facing new sexual assault complaint
Call for addressing sexual violence in French film industry [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

French cinema has its #MeToo moment, sparking growing need for intimacy coordinators

Calls for safeguarding actors on set are increasing amidst sexual violence allegations in the French film industry.
The role of intimacy coordinators is becoming more crucial in ensuring consent and well-being on set. [ more ]
3 months ago

French media personality Gerard Miller investigated over rape claims

Allegations of rape and sexual assault against French psychoanalyst Gerard Miller
#MeToo movement gaining momentum in France with accusations against powerful men [ more ]
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