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1 month ago

CA Will Continue to Undermine its Climate Goals by Widening Highways - Streetsblog California

Approval of the freeway widening project despite objections underlines a focus on reducing congestion over other environmental impacts. [ more ]
1 month ago

Midweek Call to Action: Stop More Freeway Widening, Stop Cuts to Bike/Walk Projects - Streetsblog San Francisco

Advocacy groups urge action to stop freeway widening and prevent cuts to active transportation funds in California. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

Advocates to MTC: NO MORE WIDENING - Streetsblog San Francisco

Advocates for sustainable transportation are against including funding for freeway widening in new regional measure
Highway widening contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution [ more ]
1 month ago

CA Will Continue to Undermine its Climate Goals by Widening Highways - Streetsblog California

Approval of the freeway widening project despite objections underlines a focus on reducing congestion over other environmental impacts. [ more ]
1 month ago

Midweek Call to Action: Stop More Freeway Widening, Stop Cuts to Bike/Walk Projects - Streetsblog San Francisco

Advocacy groups urge action to stop freeway widening and prevent cuts to active transportation funds in California. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

Advocates to MTC: NO MORE WIDENING - Streetsblog San Francisco

Advocates for sustainable transportation are against including funding for freeway widening in new regional measure
Highway widening contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution [ more ]
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