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1 month ago
Everyday cooking

How to make a fridge-raid dinner salad recipe | Waste not

Transform tired vegetables into a luscious salad with inventive recipes like Sophie Gordon's Fridge-raid salad with rhubarb dressing. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Healthier ready-to-eat meals would have huge' EU climate benefits report

Healthier ready-to-eat meals could significantly reduce emissions and improve health, while saving consumers money. [ more ]
3 months ago

Snake Steak Could Be a Climate-Friendly Source of Protein

Pythons are an efficient source of meat with potential environmental benefits compared to cows.
Finding alternative protein sources, like pythons, is crucial given the environmental impact of traditional dietary staples like beef, pork, and chicken. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Healthier ready-to-eat meals would have huge' EU climate benefits report

Healthier ready-to-eat meals could significantly reduce emissions and improve health, while saving consumers money. [ more ]
3 months ago

Snake Steak Could Be a Climate-Friendly Source of Protein

Pythons are an efficient source of meat with potential environmental benefits compared to cows.
Finding alternative protein sources, like pythons, is crucial given the environmental impact of traditional dietary staples like beef, pork, and chicken. [ more ]
2 months ago
Online Community Development

Inside South London's Pay-What-You-Can Cafe

Community cafe offering pay-what-you-can meals in South London
Operates Tuesday to Friday with a variety of affordable dishes sourced from redistributors and local farms [ more ]
2 months ago
Food & drink

How to turn stale bread, leek tops and aquafaba into brilliant vegetarian sausages recipe | Waste not

The food sustainability toolkit by the Welsh government provides free resources for reducing food waste and promoting sustainability in the kitchen.
Glamorgan sausages recipe includes innovative use of aquafaba and stale bread, showcasing ways to cut costs and save waste in cooking. [ more ]
Bon Appetit
3 months ago

This Is Best Thing to Do With Broccoli Stems

It's easy to incorporate vegan cooking into your routine, even part-time.
Using commonly discarded food scraps like broccoli stems in recipes can be flavorful and sustainable. [ more ]
BBC News
5 months ago

Surplus food donations turned into healthy meals

The Nourish Hub in Shepherd's Bush provides healthy meals made from surplus food donations
The hub offers lessons on food sustainability and helps people save money [ more ]
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