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4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Canada's most prolific hacker is expected to make full restitution

Canada's most prolific hacker, Matthew Philbert, will make full restitution for the financial ruin caused by his cyber attacks.
Philbert will pay back around $49,200 in total, using seized bitcoin and funds held in trust by his lawyer. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Giuliani to Go on Trial for Damages in Defamation Case

Rudolph Giuliani will appear in court for a trial to determine how much he will have to pay two Georgia election workers he defamed during the 2020 presidential race.
Giuliani is facing financial ruin and disbarment while being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for false claims of election rigging. [ more ]
7 months ago
Public health

Many Americans facing financial ruin as costs soar for elder care

The escalating costs of in-home care, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes are devouring the savings and incomes of older Americans and their relatives.
Millions of families are facing daunting choices and potential financial ruin as they try to provide care for their elderly loved ones.
The price tag for long-term care is expected to reach a half-trillion dollars a year by 2030, and the challenges will only grow. [ more ]
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