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2 months ago

Implementing Feature Toggling in 2024

Feature flags offer a flexible way to manage and deploy features without altering code directly.
Feature toggles can be categorized into release toggles, experiment toggles (A/B testing), and ops toggles for different purposes. [ more ]
2 months ago

How to Use Rust Procedural Macros to Replace Panic with syn's Fold

Procedural macros can manipulate existing code, allowing us to replace, for example, panics with Errs.
syn has additional functionality hidden behind feature flags, including the Fold and Visit traits. [ more ]
6 months ago

How to use Launch Darkly Feature Flags in an Angular Application

Feature flags are useful for hiding incomplete code from users in production environments while still allowing development of new features.
Launch Darkly is an API that provides feature flags and allows targeting based on user data.
Setting up feature flags in an Angular application involves installing the Launch Darkly Javascript SDK and creating an Angular service. [ more ]
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