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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Kaitlan Collins Ignores Bill Barr's Role in the Effort that Framed Joe Biden - emptywheel

Kaitlan Collins gave Bill Barr a platform to make weakly-rebutted claims about Democrats and allowed him to lie about his involvement in a scandal. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens will appear in court as judge weighs his detention

Former FBI informant involved in bribery scheme involving President Biden's family facing detention trial in California court.
Judge considering keeping the informant in jail due to concerns of fleeing the country. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-F.B.I. Informant to Appear in Federal Court in Las Vegas

The former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been rearrested for the second time in a week.
The hearing will determine whether prosecutors were justified in the highly unusual and aggressive move to rearrest Smirnov for the sake of national security. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Former FBI informant indicted for lying about Bidens re-arrested

FBI informant arrested for fabricating claims about President Joe Biden and his son
Defendant detained again after being released on bail [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens in custody again

Former FBI informant arrested on charges of lying about bribery allegations involving President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.
Alexander Smirnov taken into custody while meeting with his lawyers after prosecutors appealed his release ahead of trial. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

The FBI Informant at the Heart of Republicans' "Biden Crime Family" Obsessions Was Arrested for Lying About Everything. Oops.

Informant fabricated anti-Biden claims
Accusations against Hunter Biden tied to invented narrative by FBI informant [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Kaitlan Collins Ignores Bill Barr's Role in the Effort that Framed Joe Biden - emptywheel

Kaitlan Collins gave Bill Barr a platform to make weakly-rebutted claims about Democrats and allowed him to lie about his involvement in a scandal. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens will appear in court as judge weighs his detention

Former FBI informant involved in bribery scheme involving President Biden's family facing detention trial in California court.
Judge considering keeping the informant in jail due to concerns of fleeing the country. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-F.B.I. Informant to Appear in Federal Court in Las Vegas

The former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been rearrested for the second time in a week.
The hearing will determine whether prosecutors were justified in the highly unusual and aggressive move to rearrest Smirnov for the sake of national security. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Former FBI informant indicted for lying about Bidens re-arrested

FBI informant arrested for fabricating claims about President Joe Biden and his son
Defendant detained again after being released on bail [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens in custody again

Former FBI informant arrested on charges of lying about bribery allegations involving President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.
Alexander Smirnov taken into custody while meeting with his lawyers after prosecutors appealed his release ahead of trial. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

The FBI Informant at the Heart of Republicans' "Biden Crime Family" Obsessions Was Arrested for Lying About Everything. Oops.

Informant fabricated anti-Biden claims
Accusations against Hunter Biden tied to invented narrative by FBI informant [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

A Third Tie between Trump World and Alexander Smirnov - emptywheel

Smirnov has controversial ties including potential involvement in illegal activities and connections to Russian spies and oligarchs.
Investigations involving Smirnov, Rudy Giuliani, and Donald Trump raise questions about political connections and motives. [ more ]
3 months ago

Victims of Fraud Accused Bling Bishop Open up About Elaborate Scam, Extortion

Bishop Lamor Miller Whitehead found guilty of charges including lying to FBI and stealing from parishioners
Fraud victim Paula Anderson still out nearly $100,000 wired to the bishop. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Fox News Anchor Delivers Brutal Rebuke of GOP's Push to Impeach Biden: They've Got Nothing'

John Roberts expressed skepticism over the House Republicans' impeachment push against President Joe Biden.
The FBI informant on whom the House Republicans' accusations were based was charged with lying to the FBI about Biden. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Ex-FBI Informant Says His Biden Bribery Claims Were Passed on By 'Officials Associated with Russian Intelligence'

Former FBI informant arrested for lying about Biden bribery claim involving Russian intelligence
House Republicans investigating Bidens using informant's claims despite lack of evidence [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Fox News Anchor Delivers Brutal Rebuke of GOP's Push to Impeach Biden: They've Got Nothing'

John Roberts expressed skepticism over the House Republicans' impeachment push against President Joe Biden.
The FBI informant on whom the House Republicans' accusations were based was charged with lying to the FBI about Biden. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Ex-FBI Informant Says His Biden Bribery Claims Were Passed on By 'Officials Associated with Russian Intelligence'

Former FBI informant arrested for lying about Biden bribery claim involving Russian intelligence
House Republicans investigating Bidens using informant's claims despite lack of evidence [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Momentous!' Morning Joe Directly Connects Busted Ex-FBI Informant Russian Ties to Hunter's Laptop Scandal

Former US Intel officials' concerns about Hunter Biden laptop validated through Smirnov's arrest connected to Russian intel.
DOJ discredited claim of Biden taking $5 million as made up by the now-former FBI informant. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Raskin Declares GOP's Biden Impeachment 'Essentially Ended'

Impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden seemingly ended due to key witness link to Russian intelligence
Allegations against Biden from FBI informant unravel as Russian disinformation, according to Rep. Raskin. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Fox News Relentlessly Pushed Biden Bribe' Story But Got Suddenly Quiet After Source Charged With Lying

Fox News coverage based on false allegations of bribery involving President Biden and Ukraine
Former FBI informant charged with making up allegations [ more ]
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