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The Atlantic
3 months ago
Germany news

Germans Want to Sideline the Far Right. The Government Isn't Helping.

Far-right movements surging in Europe, Germany's unique position
Germany's response to far-right threat [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Canada's Right Is Moving Further RightAnd Closer to the U.S.

Media personality Tucker Carlson visits Canada and mocks Prime Minister Trudeau
The ideological differences between Canadian and U.S. political parties have been challenging for U.S. commentators [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Growing Alliance Between Orban, Trump and the US Far Right Is Very Disturbing

Orbán seeks allies in the White House for his agenda
Orbán pushes for a MAGA-style movement in Europe [ more ]
6 months ago
Germany news

Opinion | How Germany Became Mean

Germany's reputation as a leader of the free world is being challenged due to economic struggles, political instability, and the rise of far-right movements.
The country's commitment to fighting antisemitism is failing, leading to an increase in anti-Muslim sentiment and a coarsening of public life. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
France politics

I cast my first vote in France just as the country fell for the far right's siren song of fake nostalgia | Alexander Hurst

Voting can evoke joy and trepidation; nationalist rise can threaten European unity. [ more ]
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