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1 month ago

Why Purina's premium brand sees eye-tracking as a viable replacement for third-party cookies

Marketers are exploring alternative measurement methods like eye-tracking in the absence of third-party cookies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Apple Previewed the Future of the iPad and Nobody Noticed

iPad Pro's accessories and M4 chip make it function like a laptop or drawing tablet, but its future might hold more transformative updates like eye tracking technology. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Digital life

Honor launches Magic Capsule phone technology that tracks your eyes

Eye-tracking technology for smartphone control unveiled by Honor.
Users can perform actions on the phone through eye movements without touching it. [ more ]
1 week ago
Mental health

You Don't Need To Hug A Tree To Benefit From Nature - Looking at One Is Enough

Directing gaze towards natural elements, even in urban areas, can enhance well-being without physically being in nature. [ more ]
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