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The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
4 months ago

Those who stay: the Hong Kong artists fighting for a brighter future

The exodus of people from Hong Kong due to Covid-19 and mainland China's growing controls is affecting not only family company owners and expatriate businesspeople, but also cultural workers.
While the numbers of departees are climbing, there are also individuals who are choosing to stay in Hong Kong out of a determination to bear witness and push back against the controls.
The extent of the art world exodus is uncertain and only anecdotal, and the permanence of departure is pure conjecture. The Hong Kong diaspora has always been fluid, and this applies to artists as well. [ more ]
4 months ago
San Francisco

Young Reporter: How San Francisco Lost Its Status as a Great City

San Francisco is facing a rise in crime, homelessness, and office vacancies.
The city is struggling to address these issues and is experiencing a mass exodus of residents and businesses. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

Tete a tete - 'Risk of exodus from Gaza is serious and imminent', ex-Palestinian PM Fayyad warns

The risk of an exodus from Gaza is serious and imminent.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians have already left Gaza. [ more ]
6 months ago
New York City

New York's Millionaire Class Is Growing. Other People Are Leaving.

The ranks of millionaires have surged in New York while lower- and middle-income residents are leaving the city.
Black and Hispanic families making between $32,000 and $65,000 were leaving New York at the fastest rate last year. [ more ]
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