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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
2 weeks ago
Mental health

ADHD Burnout? A Guide to Understanding and Recovering From ADHD Burnout

Routine efforts in managing ADHD can lead to burnout, different from regular burnout. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 month ago

This Mom Says Anyone Who Thinks The 2 to 3 Kids Transition Is Easy Is A "Liar"

Transition from two to three kids can be challenging; exhaustion and lack of personal time increase significantly. [ more ]
Document Journal
4 months ago

Beach Fossils frontman Daniel Payseur shares the songs that carried him through tour

Life as a touring musician is filled with emotional highs and lows and can be physically exhausting.
In the early days, Beach Fossils faced challenges but felt awestruck by the experience of being on tour. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

How We Break: Navigating the Wear and Tear of Living by Vincent Deary review the ways in which we're undone

Vincent Deary's book explores the ways in which mental health is impacted by exhaustion and stress.
The book emphasizes the challenges individuals face in trying to thrive in a world filled with pressures and uncertainties. [ more ]
The Paris Review
4 months ago

Januarys - The Paris Review

The author reflects on their experiences during different Januarys in their life.
The author expresses feelings of exhaustion, sickness, and dissatisfaction during January. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Cow trapped in mud was on 'brink of collapse' - then rescuers step in, CA photos show

A cow was trapped in mud after a mudslide in southern California and was so exhausted it couldn't stand up on its own.
Firefighters spent five hours using various methods to free the cow from the deep mud. [ more ]
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Opinion | The Roots of Trump Nostalgia

The intensity of anti-Trump politics in America is diminishing.
There is a sense of exhaustion with anti-Trumpism in the national mood. [ more ]
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