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2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

US and EU commit to links aimed at boosting AI safety and risk research | TechCrunch

The EU and US expressed a joint desire to increase collaboration on artificial intelligence and other tech issues.
There is uncertainty about the level of cooperation between the EU and US in strategic tech areas due to potential political changes. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Swarm intelligence project DISCOVER US unites US and EU researchers| App Developer Magazine

The Horizon Europe DISCOVER-US project aims to strengthen EU-US collaborative research in computing continuum, distributed computing, and swarm intelligence.
The project will integrate computing, connectivity, IoT, AI, and cybersecurity to enhance synergies and knowledge sharing. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

EU and United States enhance cooperation on cybersecurity

The EU and the US are collaborating to strengthen their cyber resilience and promote a secure global cyberspace.
They will be exploring mutual recognition on cybersecurity requirements for IoT consumer products and advancing cooperation in various cyber areas. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The EU's top AI regulator explains why we need risk-based rules to build trust in AI systems

The EU has implemented the world's first set of rules on AI development and use, using a risk-based approach.
The EU's AI Act may influence future AI regulations in the U.S. [ more ]
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