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2 weeks ago
Europe politics

ICJ to fine Hungary 1m a day until it complies with EU refugee laws

Hungary fined 200m for breaching EU asylum laws, ordered to pay 1m per day until compliance, sparking controversy and highlighting anti-EU sentiments. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

EU court slaps $216m fine on Hungary for not following asylum laws

Hungary fined for defying EU asylum laws by only allowing applications outside the country. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

ICJ to fine Hungary 1m a day until it complies with EU refugee laws

Hungary fined 200m for breaching EU asylum laws, ordered to pay 1m per day until compliance, sparking controversy and highlighting anti-EU sentiments. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

EU court slaps $216m fine on Hungary for not following asylum laws

Hungary fined for defying EU asylum laws by only allowing applications outside the country. [ more ]
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