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4 days ago

Miss Manners: Is it really so horrible to have a guest sleep on used sheets?

Setting expectations for guests' involvement in changing beds can be appropriate based on familiarity and relationships. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Miss Manners: She said I was an awful host because of the breakfast bungle. Was I?

It is impolite for a host to indulge in food they are not willing to share, even if it is a special treat for themselves. [ more ]
1 month ago

Miss Manners: My neighbor refuses to explain his awful text message

Sometimes the best course of action is to let a situation be and move on without seeking further explanations or apologies. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Ask Amy: I invited them to dinner, and they actually expected me to pay

When inviting someone to join you for a celebration dinner, the expectation is usually for you to treat them.
In a situation where you have romantic feelings for a close friend who is also in a committed relationship, it is important to consider the potential consequences and navigate the situation with caution. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 month ago

An Etiquette Expert Answers: Should You Ever Pay A Family Member To Babysit?

Scoring free childcare from family is valuable but may lead to questioning if payment is appropriate.
Etiquette expert advises on when to pay family members for childcare services, considering circumstances and financial ability. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
2 months ago

Yeah, You've Gotta Teach Your Kids Manners

Instilling etiquette habits in children can have long-lasting positive effects on their personal and professional lives.
Manners are important as they represent kindness and respect for others. [ more ]
4 months ago
Boston Celtics

Joe Mazzulla explained why assistant coach Sam Cassell tried to block Buddy Hield's shot

Players are expected to block shots even after the whistle.
Sam Cassell tried to block Buddy Hield's shot after the whistle because he was following the rules. [ more ]
4 months ago

Ask Amy: Can I ask her to give back the birthday present?

It is not appropriate to ask for a gift back, even after a divorce.
Setting boundaries is important, even in difficult situations. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

Miss Manners: I was jeered for what I thought would be a kind act

It is appropriate to send a handwritten note of condolence to someone who has experienced a loss, even if you have not been in contact for many years.
Listening to repeated stories is a cost of intimacy, and it is a kindness to keep appearing to listen to those with memory problems. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

How to survive your workplace holiday party

Etiquette expert Elaine Swann provides tips on how to avoid embarrassing moments at office holiday parties.
Treating the party as a work event and being aware of your actions and how they could affect your professional reputation is crucial. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

8 Rules That'll Keep The Peace In Your Family Group Chat

Family group chats can be messy due to generational differences and technological know-how.
Etiquette guidelines for family group chats include individual messages for parents and siblings on birthdays and keeping significant others out of the chat. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Don't leave rambling messages: Debrett's issues rules on modern mobile etiquette

Etiquette bible Debrett's advises people to send a text message instead of leaving a voicemail, citing the tendency of voicemails to meander and become incoherent.
Debrett's acknowledges that older generations may still prefer leaving voicemails and suggests younger people should cut them some slack.
Debrett's also suggests texting before making a phone call to minimize intrusion and avoiding multitasking during calls. [ more ]
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