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High Country News
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Trump vs. Biden on the climate - High Country News

Former President Trump made promises to oil and gas executives for regulatory rollbacks in exchange for $1 billion in campaign support. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

What do Schwarzenegger, Fonda and Newsom have in common? They're fighting oil drilling

The oil industry is campaigning to repeal California drilling restrictions.
California's environmental protections campaign involves political clout and celebrity support. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Council approves changes to environmental protections to upgrade Butler Trail - Austin Monitor

City Council approved amendments to environmental protections for Lady Bird Lake trail upgrades.
Code changes allow for exemptions from water quality zone rules for trail enhancements. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

We are worse off and less safe due to Brexit reducing environmental standards | Letter

UK's environmental standards depended on EU membership
Brexit has led to a governance gap and weakened environmental protections [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
8 months ago
Social justice

SCSJ condemns HB 600 override for putting big business over North Carolinians

The NC General Assembly has overridden Gov. Roy Cooper's veto of an anti-environment bill that will roll back environmental protections.
The new law poses a threat to the environment, public health, and the rights of vulnerable communities in North Carolina.
The bill gives power to natural gas pipeline companies and expedites the Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate project. [ more ]
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