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1 month ago

Kubernetes Chronicles:(K8s#07)|K8s Series | PODs | Environment Variables.

Kubernetes environment variables provide configuration settings to containers in pods, can be defined at pod or container level, and can be set using env or envFrom fields. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
1 month ago

Node.js 20.6 adds built-in support for .env files

Node.js 20.6 introduced built-in support for .env file for managing environment variables.
It is convenient to use .env files directly without third-party packages, but some limitations exist. [ more ]
1 month ago

Adventures In Import-land, Part II - Pybites

Check for missing environment variables like 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'
Ensure proper scoping of variables within the functions [ more ]
3 months ago

Run your first analysis project on Apache Zeppelin using Scala (Spark), Shell, and SQL

Move Spark directory to /opt/spark
Configure JAVA_HOME and SPARK_HOME variables
Adjust Zeppelin configuration in the 'Interpreter' section [ more ]
4 months ago

Modern Vue.js Development with Vite: Best Practices and Tips

The Vue Vite app type allows developers to quickly set up and run a Vue app with Vite out-of-the-box.
Dotenv files can be used in Vue applications with Vite to manage environment variables and customize app aspects. [ more ]
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