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4 days ago
Left-wing politics

Biden launching new strategy to win Black voters

Biden unveils strategy to regain Black voter support [ more ]
Chicago Sun-Times
1 month ago
Chicago White Sox

White Sox TV voice John Schriffen's 'hater' remark on home-run call raises questions, concerns

The White Sox TV voice John Schriffen's emotional call during a walk-off win showcased his passion and enthusiasm, but a particular phrase left some fans confused and disappointed. [ more ]
2 months ago
Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves Announcer Swipes at Phillies Fans During Easter Sunday Game: They Might've Booed Jesus'

Philadelphia sports fans are known for their relentless behavior, even booing Jesus Christ.
Despite criticism, some analysts appreciate the enthusiasm of Philadelphia fans. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wins South Carolina Democratic primary, AP projects

President Biden won the South Carolina Democratic primary.
The South Carolina primary was a test of Biden's momentum and ability to generate enthusiasm. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago
Mental health

8 Signs You Have a Bubbly Personality! Are You One?

Having a bubbly personality means radiating positivity and energy.
Bubbly personalities draw people in with their friendliness and contagious enthusiasm. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

I'm Not Over The Excessively Enthusiastic Reviews People Left For These 30 Products

We hope you love our recommendations!Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors.
Slate Magazine
5 months ago

My Running Habit Has Turned Me Into the Thing I Fear Most

Completing a 5K race can be a transformative experience that inspires a thirst for more challenges.
Some people who become passionate about running can become obnoxious about it, constantly talking about their achievements. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
6 months ago
Web design

A Web Designer's Secrets to Longevity

Enthusiasm is key to achieving longevity in web design.
Enthusiasm doesn't have to be constant, it can fluctuate and be found in the small moments.
Finding joy and motivation in the creative process, problem-solving, and helping clients can sustain enthusiasm. [ more ]
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