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1 month ago

Survey Credits Engineering Teams With Keeping Lid on Cloud Costs - DevOps.com

Engineering teams play a crucial role in managing cloud costs, but there is still room for improvement. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

The rise of the Model Designer

The focus of AI design has been primarily on the interface and interaction with users, neglecting the importance of the AI models themselves.
There is a need for a new design role, called the Model Designer, who works closely with engineers to shape AI models and address issues such as hallucinations, privacy, and biases. [ more ]
5 months ago

Docker Build Cloud aims to accelerate Docker builds

Docker Build Cloud is a cloud-based build service that speeds up Docker image builds for engineering teams.
The service offloads builds to the cloud, accelerating them up to 39x. [ more ]
5 months ago

Fostering Psychological Safety and Building Autonomy for Great Culture

QCon London 2024 is an upcoming software development conference in London.
Brit Myers is the VP of Engineering at System Initiative and loves managing engineering teams. [ more ]
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