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5 months ago
East Bay (California)

BART director leads pack of political newcomers running to replace Rep. Barbara Lee

Lateefah Simon, a political newcomer and BART Director, has received an endorsement from California Governor Gavin Newsom in the race for an open congressional seat in a progressive district.
Simon's candidacy represents a Democratic succession plan for the historically progressive district that includes Oakland, Berkeley, and other cities. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

DeSantis PAC Makes Donations to Iowa Lawmakers Who Endorsed Him

Gov. Ron DeSantis' political action committee donated tens of thousands of dollars to Iowa legislators who endorsed his presidential candidacy.
The group, Great American Comeback, gave a total of $92,500 to 14 legislators, including $15,000 each to the Iowa State Senate president and Iowa House majority leader. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

Elise Stefanik Withdraws Endorsement Of GOP Candidate Who Mildly Criticized Trump

Rep. Elise Stefanik withdrew her endorsement of GOP candidate Craig Riedel after he made critical comments about Donald Trump.
Stefanik's un-endorsement highlights the Republican Party's unwavering loyalty to Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

How Trump Has Used Fear and Favor to Win Republican Endorsements

Trump has regained influence within the Republican Party and has the backing of the House Republican leadership.
Trump places great importance on formal endorsements as a validation of his return and portrays himself as the inevitable victor. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

How Trump Has Used Fear and Favor to Win Republican Endorsements

Trump has regained influence within the Republican Party and has the backing of the House Republican leadership.
Trump places great importance on formal endorsements as a validation of his return and portrays himself as the inevitable victor. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Christie Says in a New Ad That He Was Wrong to Support Trump in 2016

Former Gov. Chris Christie admits he was wrong to endorse Donald Trump in 2016.
Christie's campaign argues that he is the only Republican candidate willing to admit his mistake in supporting Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Christie Says in a New Ad That He Was Wrong to Support Trump in 2016

Former Gov. Chris Christie admits he was wrong to endorse Donald Trump in 2016.
Christie's campaign argues that he is the only Republican candidate willing to admit his mistake in supporting Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

Elise Stefanik Withdraws Endorsement Of GOP Candidate Who Mildly Criticized Trump

Rep. Elise Stefanik withdrew her endorsement of GOP candidate Craig Riedel after he made critical comments about Donald Trump.
Stefanik's un-endorsement highlights the Republican Party's unwavering loyalty to Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

How Trump Has Used Fear and Favor to Win Republican Endorsements

Trump has regained influence within the Republican Party and has the backing of the House Republican leadership.
Trump places great importance on formal endorsements as a validation of his return and portrays himself as the inevitable victor. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

How Trump Has Used Fear and Favor to Win Republican Endorsements

Trump has regained influence within the Republican Party and has the backing of the House Republican leadership.
Trump places great importance on formal endorsements as a validation of his return and portrays himself as the inevitable victor. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Christie Says in a New Ad That He Was Wrong to Support Trump in 2016

Former Gov. Chris Christie admits he was wrong to endorse Donald Trump in 2016.
Christie's campaign argues that he is the only Republican candidate willing to admit his mistake in supporting Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Christie Says in a New Ad That He Was Wrong to Support Trump in 2016

Former Gov. Chris Christie admits he was wrong to endorse Donald Trump in 2016.
Christie's campaign argues that he is the only Republican candidate willing to admit his mistake in supporting Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

George Conway And Jen Psaki Scorch 2 GOP Leaders Who Just Endorsed Trump

Conservative attorney George Conway and MSNBC's Jen Psaki criticize two top Republicans for endorsing Donald Trump despite past conflicts.
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise endorsed Trump after he undermined their bids for House speaker. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Christie Says in a New Ad That He Was Wrong to Support Trump in 2016

Former Gov. Chris Christie admits he was wrong to endorse Donald Trump in 2016.
Christie's campaign argues that he is the only Republican candidate willing to admit his mistake in supporting Trump. [ more ]
New York Times @nytimes: The big themes in 2024: elections, antitrust and shadow banking. - The New York Times. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #aiact https://t.co/9PHdrx9pfg
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What We're Watching in 2024

The U.S. presidential election will greatly impact the business world and how companies deal with political endorsements and employee activism.
There is a backlash against environmental, social, and corporate governance principles, which has become a political and free speech debate. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Charlemagne Tha God feels 'burned' by Biden endorsement, says Kamala Harris 'disappeared'

Charlamagne Tha God regrets backing the Biden ticket in 2020 and feels like Kamala Harris 'disappeared' when they got to the White House.
Charlamagne has no plans to endorse Biden and Harris in 2024 and still receives backlash over his 2020 endorsement. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What We're Watching in 2024

The U.S. presidential election will greatly impact the business world and how companies deal with political endorsements and employee activism.
There is a backlash against environmental, social, and corporate governance principles, which has become a political and free speech debate. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Sununu Says Christie Should Drop Out Ahead of New Hampshire Primary

New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu suggests Chris Christie drop out of the presidential race to make way for Nikki Haley.
Sununu frames the race as a two-person contest between Haley and Trump.
Christie's campaign spokesman doubles down on Christie's message that the truth matters. [ more ]
5 months ago
New York City

Sununu Says Christie Should Drop Out Ahead of New Hampshire Primary

New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu suggests Chris Christie drop out of the presidential race to make way for Nikki Haley.
Sununu frames the race as a two-person contest between Haley and Trump.
Christie's campaign spokesman doubles down on Christie's message that the truth matters. [ more ]
5 months ago
New York City

Sununu Says Christie Should Drop Out Ahead of New Hampshire Primary

New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu suggests Chris Christie drop out of the presidential race to make way for Nikki Haley.
Sununu frames the race as a two-person contest between Haley and Trump.
Christie's campaign spokesman doubles down on Christie's message that the truth matters. [ more ]
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