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1 week ago
Remote teams

Remote possibility of 'hush vacation'

Around 29% of Americans admitted to taking 'hush vacations' to save accrued paid time off without informing employers. [ more ]
3 months ago

California rethinking college degree rule for government jobs

Changing job descriptions in California to remove education requirements can benefit workers and employers.
There is disagreement about the best and fastest way to implement these changes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

CPRA Countdown: Ensuring Your Organization's Privacy Compliance in the New Year

Employers need to ensure compliance with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) which is an amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
The CPRA requires compliance for employers who meet certain criteria, such as maintaining annual gross revenues over $25 million or buying/selling personal information of 100,000 or more California consumers. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

Should People Fib About Salaries To Prospective Employers?

Many jurisdictions have made it illegal for employers to ask job candidates about their salary history, but some do not have these protections.
Job candidates might feel justified in fibbing about their salary history to prevent unfair treatment and ensure fair pay at a job. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

Should People Fib About Salaries To Prospective Employers?

Many jurisdictions have made it illegal for employers to ask job candidates about their salary history, but some do not have these protections.
Job candidates might feel justified in fibbing about their salary history to prevent unfair treatment and ensure fair pay at a job. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

Should People Fib About Salaries To Prospective Employers?

Many jurisdictions have made it illegal for employers to ask job candidates about their salary history, but some do not have these protections.
Job candidates might feel justified in fibbing about their salary history to prevent unfair treatment and ensure fair pay at a job. [ more ]
MedCity News
6 months ago

Report: Workers Trust Employers More Than Insurers With Their Health

37% of employees trust their insurer to suggest high-quality care regardless of cost, while 53% trust their employer with their health.
Employees need more support from their employers when it comes to healthcare, as many have had to delay or skip care due to lack of paid time off.
Weight management is a major concern for employees, with obesity/weight loss being the biggest personal health worry for a quarter of respondents. [ more ]
MedCity News
6 months ago

Report: Workers Trust Employers More Than Insurers With Their Health

37% of employees trust their insurer to suggest high-quality care regardless of cost, while 53% trust their employer with their health.
Employees need more support from their employers when it comes to healthcare, as many have had to delay or skip care due to lack of paid time off.
Weight management is a major concern for employees, with obesity/weight loss being the biggest personal health worry for a quarter of respondents. [ more ]
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