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Fast Company
1 month ago

Why the modern HR professional needs to be brand-savvy

HR professionals need to effectively brand their organizations for employees, akin to how marketing professionals brand for customers. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
2 months ago
Business intelligence

Designing a Corporate Alumni Program? Start Here.

Creating alumni programs can benefit organizations long-term.
Employee retention may be challenging in the current labor market. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Redesigning navigation with a user-centric approach

The Product team faced challenges integrating new features due to outdated product architecture.
A dedicated team designed a new navigation menu component by validating the navigation architecture first. [ more ]
The Drum
7 months ago

'Lazy girl jobs' and viral agencies: Is gen Z changing the rules for employers?

The rise of social media has changed employer branding strategies.
Gen Z workers are vocal online about workplace expectations and flaws.
Employers need to adapt to meet the demands of the TikTok generation. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Recruitment And Onboarding: The Complete Guide

Recruitment and onboarding are crucial for building a strong team and positive work environment. [ more ]
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