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4 months ago

When the Breakup Ruins Your Favorite Restaurant

Restaurant breakups can be highly dramatic and emotional.
Favorite restaurants can become painful reminders of past relationships. [ more ]
4 months ago
Liverpool FC

Video: Jurgen Klopp got visibly emotional during the pre-game rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone against Norwich

Jurgen Klopp gets emotional during pre-game rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone
Liverpool fans show support for Klopp in hopes of him changing his mind [ more ]
4 months ago
Golden State Warriors

Warriors beat Atlanta Hawks on night to tribute Dejan Milojevic

The Golden State Warriors played their first game since the death of assistant coach Dejan Milojevic, with a tribute held in his honor before the game.
Milojevic's wife and children were in attendance for the tribute, and the team left his seat on the bench empty with his emblazoned jersey, a t-shirt, and a rose in his honor. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Axios Finish Line: How to make the most of your dinner party

People want to share and go deeper in conversations, but often need to be prompted.
Prompted conversations can lead to more interesting, insightful, and thoughtful responses from people. [ more ]
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