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2 months ago

Emily Nagoski, sexologist: Yes, please, talk to each other about your sex lives'

Starting an interview with questions about a stranger's sex life can be unconventional but appropriate in certain contexts.
Emily Nagoski emphasizes the importance of pleasure and intimacy over the concept of 'keeping the spark alive' for fulfilling sexual experiences. [ more ]
3 months ago

This Book Could Help You Keep Sex Alive In A Long-Term Relationship

"Come Together" is a guide to intimacy in long-term relationships.
The book challenges preconceived beliefs about sex and relationships. [ more ]
4 months ago

She wrote a bestseller on women's sex lives. Then her own fell apart.

Sex educator Emily Nagoski's new book focuses on maintaining intimacy in long-term relationships.
Nagoski's own experiences with her husband's sexual dry spells inspired her to write the book. [ more ]
3 months ago

I'm Not Sure I've Ever Actually Had An Orgasm. How Can I Tell?

An orgasm is the sudden, involuntary release of sexual tension. It is unique for each individual with various triggers.
Orgasms can be achieved through different means such as sex toys, positions, partners, or even sleeping. There is no one-size-fits-all experience. [ more ]
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