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1 month ago
Europe politics

Former UK prime minister Boris Johnson turned away from polling station after forgetting photo ID

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson forgot his ID and was initially turned away from a polling station during the U.K.'s local elections. [ more ]
2 months ago

When is the deadline to register to vote in the local and London mayoral elections?

The deadline to register to vote in upcoming elections is fast approaching, with millions potentially missing from the voter register. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK elections 'unaffected' by China's cyber-interference

China's unsuccessful attempt to undermine UK elections confirmed by UK's deputy prime minister.
UK and US officially cite China's state-sponsored cyber aggression incidents in 2021. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK politics

First photo ID, now votes for expats: the Tories are showing us exactly what election rigging looks like | Polly Toynbee

The Electoral Commission's key recommendations for permissible IDs were ignored in the Elections Act, potentially disenfranchising certain voters.
The requirement for photo ID at polling stations has deterred 4% of voters, particularly young people who are less likely to be Tory voters. [ more ]
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