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4 weeks ago

Report: New England leads the country in older workers

New England states have the highest concentration of workers aged 65+, with Vermont leading at 24.8% workforce participation. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
4 months ago

ACE report: higher ed diversifying but outcome gaps persist

Diversity among college students has increased, but significant racial disparities in educational attainment and completion rates persist. [ more ]
4 months ago

One factor reduces by a third the probability of dying after a stroke: social class

Having a high income reduces stroke mortality risk by 32%. [ more ]
7 months ago
Canada news

Canadian dream elusive for some racialized 2nd-generation Canadians, study finds | CBC News

Racialized second-generation Canadians face disparities in educational attainment and employment earnings
The Canadian dream of equality of opportunity for immigrants is not equally accessible for all [ more ]
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