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5 months ago
Media industry

Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more? DW 01/22/2024

The year 2024 is expected to have a record number of elections worldwide, but it is also a year when AI-generated fake news could increase significantly.
A study found that education level is a key factor in determining people's ability to identify true and fake news, with more educated individuals being better at discerning fake news. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Fake news: Who's better at detecting it? DW 01/22/2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) could flood screens with fake news in 2024 elections, potentially influencing outcomes.
A study found that people's ability to distinguish true and fake news is linked to their education and voting preferences. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more? DW 01/22/2024

The year 2024 is expected to have a record number of elections worldwide, but it is also a year when AI-generated fake news could increase significantly.
A study found that education level is a key factor in determining people's ability to identify true and fake news, with more educated individuals being better at discerning fake news. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Fake news: Who's better at detecting it? DW 01/22/2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) could flood screens with fake news in 2024 elections, potentially influencing outcomes.
A study found that people's ability to distinguish true and fake news is linked to their education and voting preferences. [ more ]
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