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3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Police left to deal with fallout' of poorly planned early release of 1,700 prisoners

Early prisoner releases raise public safety concerns due to lack of rehabilitation and planning, leaving police to manage potential consequences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Social justice

The Guardian view on prison overcrowding: a justice system in meltdown

The prison system is deteriorating due to overcrowding and lack of funding, leading to early releases and advice for police to make fewer arrests. [ more ]
8 months ago

PPS, other schools get out early Friday because of snow

Some school districts in Oregon and Washington are preparing for a winter storm by changing schedules and letting students out early.
The early releases are meant to give families time to make a plan for potential snow, ice, and dangerous wind chill.
Multiple school districts in the area have already announced early releases as of 6 p.m. [ more ]
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