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Washington Post
2 days ago
US news

Dogs are doing the viral 'paws in' challenge. Here's why.

Dogs participate in the 'paws in' challenge mirroring human behavior and seeking attention. [ more ]
6 days ago

The pet I'll never forget: Reina the dog was dumped on a highway then found her way to me

Unexpected bond formed with a stray dog named Reina despite initial reluctance towards getting another dog. [ more ]
1 month ago

The 1 Thing Every Dog Owner Should Do With Their Pet On A Walk

Letting your dog sniff is important for their well-being as it provides mental stimulation.
Sniffing is how dogs gather information about their surroundings, similar to social media for humans. [ more ]
3 months ago

Do dogs dream? What about?

Dogs go through REM phase similar to humans.
Dreams often include experiences from when they are awake. [ more ]
3 months ago

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail?

Tail-wagging is a complex form of communication for dogs, signaling emotions and intentions.
Dogs use their tail, along with other body parts, to communicate with humans and other dogs. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
US news

Dog detects underground gas leak at home, alerts owner

A dog named Kobe dug multiple holes in his owner's yard in Philadelphia, leading her to discover a major gas leak beneath the surface.
The owner's intuition and the dog's strange behavior prompted her to use a gas detection device, which confirmed the presence of the gas. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago

Pandemic puppy owners struggle with bad behaviour say vets

Dogs bought during the pandemic have high rates of problem behaviors.
New owners are more likely to use punishment in training which can worsen behavior. [ more ]
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