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Mission Local
2 weeks ago

Conozca a los candidatos del Distrito 9: Apoya que se sigan colocando maceteros en el distrito?

The article discusses a series called 'Meet the Candidates' where political candidates are asked weekly questions and events happening in the political district. [ more ]
Mission Local
1 month ago

Ciclovia de Valencia: Efectivo o un desastre? Los candidatos del Distrito 9 opinan

Candidates in District 9 are responding to weekly questions in 100 words or less.
Jackie Fielder supports the bike lane on Valencia Street but emphasizes the need for improvements.
Financial data of candidates show Jackie Fielder, Trevor Chandler, and Roberto Hernández raised the most money, with Chandler spending the most. [ more ]
Mission Local
1 month ago
Mission District

The most contentious issues so far in our weekly District 9 "Meet the Candidates"

D9 supervisorial candidates have differing views on Valencia Street bike lane and Mission Street vending ban, highlighting community division and need for compromise. [ more ]
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