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The Verge
7 months ago

Tens of billions of dollars of IRA funding will now be earmarked for environmental justice

At least 40% of the benefits from federal clean energy and climate programs will flow into disadvantaged communities in the US.
The Biden administration updated its list of federal programs included in the Justice40 Initiative.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes $118 billion in federal funding for programs aimed at reducing pollution and promoting clean energy. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

The Untapped Potential of Rooftop Solar on Nonresidential Buildings | KQED

Installing solar on nonresidential buildings in disadvantaged communities can help bridge the solar equity gap, but current state policies hinder progress. [ more ]
1 week ago

State Department of Public Health Won't Intervene in Upcoming Closure of East San Jose Trauma Center | KQED

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) cannot compel hospitals to provide supplemental services, impacting healthcare access for disadvantaged communities. [ more ]
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