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Conde Nast Traveler
1 month ago

Is There a Right Way to Eat When Flying?

Traveling on planes can impact digestion due to low air pressure and processed food. Increased water intake is essential for hydration. [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

Chill Out About Your Gut Health

Obsession with gut health is mainstream, with claims of wide-ranging benefits beyond digestion.
Maintaining gut health is essential, but products claiming to overhaul gut health for overall well-being are unrealistic. [ more ]
5 months ago

Unpicking the Mystery of the Body's 'Second Brain'

The gut has its own network of nerve cells known as the enteric nervous system, often referred to as the second brain.
Glia cells, once thought to be mere glue, are now recognized for playing key roles in digestion and disease. [ more ]
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